Friday, March 15, 2013

We're All Excited for the End of the Work Week

Which is why Friday feels like two or three days in one.

The hours are dragging today. This gives me WAY too much time to think. I was so excited about it being Friday this morning that I was a bit too efficient in handling my workload.

It's so pretty outside, can't I please go out and play?

I've been on and off about motivation recently. I think, even though I'm improving in physical fitness and I'm reach more small tasks on my to-do list, I am over-critical of what I'm able to accomplish.

I'm still having trouble gauging how to use my time wisely and efficiently without driving myself absolutely bonkers.

I'm also noticing that I don't spend very much time socially with other women. I used to think that it was because most of my female friends when I was younger left so many wounds with the knives they lodged into my spinal tissue whilst I was distracted, but I'm starting to think that I really never learned how to make a concerted effort to truly stabilize my female friendships.

Maybe that should be my personal development goal. I'm well on the way to trying--putting together a baby shower for a friend and accepted a work social invitation to go out for tea. I'm relatively terrified by both--I just want to do thing right and have people like me.

Wanting to be liked--hasn't changed since elementary school. The kicker is, you can never actually know if people like you. I always want to know if people like me. It's hard to tell the difference between funny and awkward.

How do you build friendships? I know spending time can be a major component, but there's a lot more to it.

I really wish I'd been like my parents...they have a group of friends from college that stuck with them that they usually see at least once a month. I can't get a game night organized twice a year with the same people. Is it my generation or my people skills?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ribbons and Curls

She stares me down
concentrating on my eyes
until the corner of her mouth
turns upward
and she can't help but smile

I cross my arms
follow the rules
complete your chores
I hear myself 
like that record
being overplayed on the radio
She says 
I know
but I forget

and she always does

she just forgets a different things each day
I make a list
take a shower 
put on your pajamas
brush your hair and your teeth
how hard can that be?
And she looks down
And I feel bad
And then she starts giggling
And I can't keep a straight face
So I have her come over
and I brush her hair
putting a ribbon on her pony tail
And she smiles
And I sigh
Because we know we'll do it all again.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dance of the Hours

I've lost touch with the measure of my personal productivity.

I know I'm getting an incredible number of things done, but it's hard to determine if it's enough.

I've been trying to make more with my time, but last weekend, it seemed that the hours disappeared.

I've noticed that these work days get in the way--whose idea was this whole 9-5 fiasco anyhow? I jest, I am very thankful that I have a job and get paid for a 40 hour work week. I just wish i could get paid the same amount but only work the amount of time it takes me to get through my work.