Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Don't You Get Bored?

Ah, the question...do I get bored? In a conversation online today, I was chatting and due to my lack of a significant other and the fact I spend most evenings alone, I was asked this question.

Now I confess, some days I do get bored, but it's less out of lack of things to do and more out of lack of motivation on my part. Really, I'm quite good at thinking of things to do, most of which I'm sure other people don't probably do.

For example, this is my exercise equipment:
The Wave
The Wii

Now a normal person would probably not combine these two things. It may be dangerous and cause falling and bruises and crazy exercises in balance.

The truth? Spending at least an hour three times a week doing this is really making my backside look good. (And no, you can't watch...then I probably would really hurt myself.) Might make a good youtube video though :P

Other things I do (aside from trying to organize and clean--those are neverending it seems) include anythign musical. My newest endeavor is going to be learning how to play the fiddle. I was trying the bass guitar but my hands are just so small, the stretching was causing me problems and I got a little too frustrated so I'm trying something else for a bit. I also write and sing songs or play cop out music games on the Wii.

I've been working on my writing and have two of five novels coming along actually quite nicely.

Really, I think that boredom is more a lack of creativity than anything else. May you never be bored!

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