Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Staying positive?

I think it's fair to say that people who have known me for a long time have seen that I generally am affected by negativity. I've let things stew and ruin my months, had arbitrary events outside of my control ruin my weeks, and small details ruin my days.

Lately, I haven't really been suffering from this crazy negativity. I don't know what's changed (aside from having lost 30 pounds since Jan--go me!) and trying to smile more, but even awe-inspiring minor catastrophes tend to roll down and off my back as I search for a solution instead of talking, brooding, and focusing on what happened. If anything, the mishaps have been amusing.

This week, the following crazy things have happened:

-As my kitten jumped up on the counter and my son ran behind me I was pouring cough syrup. The cat moved the phone, the kid moved me, and cough syrup stuck the buttons on my phone to where I couldn't cal out or use half of the letters on the keyboard. (Come on, if it was on a sitcom, you would have laughed.) Getting a new phone wasn't even really a hassle, the salesman actually found deals for me so that it wouldn't cost me a ton. For a tiny disaster, it actually led to a pretty good day.

-Grass is starting to try growing again, therefore; my allergies are angry and wreaking havoc on me. I've coughed, ended up with a painful ear infection, and I just went to the doctor, got what I needed and continued on. I mean, why focus on it. I don't feel great, but I'm not going to have a bad attitude on top of it. MY voice sounds electronic with the crazy frog in my throat ;)

-I decided to dye my hair to look nice in my fancy white and black dress for a work event on Saturday. I actually bought a nicer brand than I usually use with a foam that I wanted to try. The dye was in my hands, all over my shoulders, down my chest, on my ears, and everywhere else because the foam wasn't quite foamy and the gloves were VERY holey. I panicked for a split second and moved straight to problem solving.

I know these things seem like the way a person should handle issues, but I've been pretty bad with frustrations and crazy  things happening in the past. Now it just seems like an event, and honestly, it's been kind of fun to overcome the random challenges.

1 comment:

  1. :) Those certainly are funny mishaps. A true comedy of errors.

    Also, 30 pounds since January?! Holy smokes, LK! Go you, indeed! You rock!!!!!

    I'm glad you are in a happy place. And, as I side-note, I like your picture selections for this post! :)

    - Erin


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