Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The "No" Phenomenon

Okay, so I've heard all of the jokes, "but sometimes no means yes,' and all of that crap, but it's starting to seem to me that some people actually believe it's true that a lot of times no means yes.

In my case, I'd like to shed light on this. If I have said no, I mean it. I do not want you to sit next to me, I do not want to talk to you, I do not want to go to dinner or a movie or on a walk with you, I do not want you to pursue me any further, and if you press the matter, I will become angry and act accordingly.

Obviously this is a rant in regard to a recent situation. There is a guy who goes to a venue that I do for concerts that I tried going out to dinner once with that is a pig. I would say no I don't want to go out again and his response was a tacky "oh baby, you know you want to".

NEWSFLASH No. If I have said No I don't want to, there is no other context there. I am not interested.

I think men (and maybe women...I'm sure this happens to guys too) have their wires crossed sometimes. It is not sexy to try to tell another person that they want to be with you. being contrary and stuck up like your shit doesn't stink is far less than unattractive.

Maybe I'm weird, the macho hey baby you want me act makes me sick. I prefer the sweet guy that watches me, finally has the courage to talk to me, and eventually takes the risk and asks me if I would like to do something sometime. I haven't found the right one yet, but I really hope women don't like "the jerk". Unless you're in a situation where it's established that yes could mean no (and I mean directly, not this second-guessing bizarre type), I'm thinking that no means no means no.

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