Monday, May 2, 2011

Stop the Distractions and Keep Moving Forward

It's sensational, isn't it? Osama Bin Laden. He's dead, we killed him, freaking congratulations.

The media, the people, all teetering and twittering, fighting with one another.
Yay America, serves the bastard right.
A solemn day, a human being dead.
How can you celebrate?
Hell Yeah!
It's all back and forth...focused on the anger, the retribution, the hurt, but is it really as important as what our neighbors are facing?

Here's the news we've forgotten due to one man's death and another man's birth certificate:

Last week, in an outbreak of a weekly count of 312 tornadoes, a record 226 tornadoes ravaged the southern United States in a period of 24 hours.

Maybe I'm more sensitive to this news because of how close Windsor, CO is to my heart. I saw the destruction from one tornado and we only dealt with one death of one man. The scale of this is so much greater and yet we're satisfied to talk about a man that caused us destruction. During this time of crisis and mourning that which has been lost, I think we have our priorities completely out of place.

We need hope and compassion and volunteerism. We cannot focus on the dead, we must focus on rebuilding. People have lost everything and we need to stand up and offer our assistance instead of getting caught up in political bullshit. Talking doesn't help anyone.

When the tornado happened in Windsor, volunteers came out from everywhere--Colorado for a brief time was community. We could do anything because we did it together. The south is in shambles. Neighborhoods full of people are gone and the devastation is incredible. Who comes to their aid? There are places where there aren't communities to help communities because the entire areas are decimated. Maybe we should work on that problem instead of whining and arguing about the impact of one man. Do you really think this country is improved when we focus on the past and retribution?

It's true our lawmakers and policy creators fail us. We have hope and they spit in our faces with their petty arguing and big corporate backing, but it doesn't mean we have to be slaves to it. It means we have to make our decisions, actions, speeches, and arguments more deliberately. We may not change the world with one action, but we can change lives. So please, get off Twitter and actually do something productive. Don't let them distract us.

We the People are the United States of America and I believe we are much stronger and much more capable than we are given credit for.

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