Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Trick is Working

In the last few months, it's been my personal goal to stay positive, attempt to see more good than bad, believe in people, and expect good things.

Some people have called this idealistic, daft, and a little crazy. I can respect that. All in all, a single mother looking for work in this economy should be a little concerned, maybe even a little pessimistic (or what many I know call 'realistic').

I'm not saying I don't see the big picture, I do, but I can honestly say that hoping for good things has helped me far more than brooding over all that's wrong with the world.

Today, in particular, was an extraordinary day. Not because I felt like I had less to worry about or really had a major problem solved, in fact I had to quit the only job I had today due to the fact that childcare costs are higher than my wage.

How could this day be so amazing? A few things, really. Today I received a gift from a woman from church who knew that my budget was tight. This gift is enough to cover the things my daughter needs to play soccer and to be in girl scouts. I didn't ask for anything, yet she was moved to give me something that I received on a day that I was making a decision for my little girl. It's not a job, it doesn't change our financial situation long term, but it does change things for a sweet little girl that wants to be involved in things. Moments like that remind me how important it is to keep up with those pay it forward moments. Most people are good.

We let ourselves get bogged down by negativity and media and long, hard days at work. I remember moments like that to stay upbeat, paying it forward whenever I can, and sometimes smiling even when I think I can't.

My life isn't roses, it's hard, but right now a lot of people are struggling. The miracles come in when we work together. 

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