Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some Encouraging Words I Hope I Can Use Today (from Genoa Coffee & Wine's Newsletter)

Have you ever wished you could go back to some 'restore' point in your life? Or wished you could reset it to 'factory settings' like you can with a phone or other electronic gadget that gets too full of faults or incompatible parameters that it just doesn't work like you want it to anymore? The thing is, you can. There is no connection to the past unless you make one ... every day, every moment is all there is in the 'now' of life. You can choose to do and be whatever you want, right now. Is that scary or uplifting and exciting? Again, you choose which ... but the possibilities are always there ... you decide how you want to live this new moment ... and the next ... and the next. That isn't some 'new age woo-woo' or anything other than the fact of the way it is ... You want to learn a new language? Start playing a musical instrument for the first time? Change your career? Change your hair, clothes, entire way of being? Go ahead ... be ... YOU!

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