Monday, April 11, 2011

Taking the Shortcut

The idea that taking less time now to take care of something with the intent of doing it properly "later" has probably been the leading cause of lapses in self care. How many times have I thought:

-I don't have time right now. I'll eat properly and I'll start exercising when I have time later.
-Well I can pick this up, but I'll vacuum later.

You get the idea. Really I think that not enough time is put aside for things like going to the doctor/dentist/therapist/etc. ("I'll make that appointment later"), taking the time to keep a body healthy ("I'll join the gym later, it's nice outside, I'll exercise later."), and getting cleaning and deep cleaning done enough to live in a good environment (Oh, I'll do it tomorrow...and tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow).

I don't think it's odd to do things like that. I get overwhelmed at the number of things that need doing without setting small goals, scheduling the time to complete those goals, and not letting myself out of a contract to do something. (Granted there are emergencies, but if it's not moved to somewhere close on the schedule for which I'm held accountable by a consequence to myself, I don't think it's as effective.)

I generally believe that all people have it more together than I do. They can clean and get their jobs done and spend time with family and be involved at church and work on their car and exercise, but I think it's fairly delusional of me to think that. I think that finding a balance in life is the single hardest thing for people to do. No one ever has it together in all areas unless they've completely cut out some of the areas (like work and home are great but family time is non-existent), or they have enough help that tey don't have to worry about some of the things a person on their own might have to.

I'm going through another purge because my priorities got a little one-sided and mixed up. I have come to the conclusion that I have too much useless stuff, too little exercise time, and too little playtime with the kids. I'm revamping the schedules and it's all going to change. I think with the pressures of work and deadlines and crazy problems, I sometimes lose sight of what really matters. It's good to check in with oneself every once in awhile.

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