Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What is a Bike Lane?

A bike lane is...
  • A portion of a roadway that is marked off for use by bicyclists.
  • If you see these signs:

 Cars and vehicles have to share the road which means that in some cases, bikes will be merged with traffic. Respect and consideration should exist at all times between the cyclist riding and vehicle driving on the road.

  • Symbols traditionally used to signify a bike lane look like this:

A bike lane is not...
  • An extra turn lane
  • A place to drive
  • A partition of the road in which to park 
  • Any random part of the side of the road that a cyclist decides to use
A car's position relative to the bike lane, even in a larger vehicle should look like this:

If this is in any way confusing, please consider the following regulations regarding cyclists/drivers in Fort Collins. You can be ticketed for being stupid, so read a bit and follow the rules and we'll all get along a bit better :)

What prompted my posting? There are two cars, without fail, that seem to think they can and should go around all of the cars in the lane on the right at the stop light in the bike lane at Timberline & Harmony. Today, as I often have to, I had to lay on my horn as a car went by because they came inches away from running down a cyclist. I have issues when people use the bike lane as it is not intended. I also have issues with cyclists that endanger themselves and vehicles by not following the rules. If you enjoy a free life where you haven't been a cold-blooded murderer, hapless buffoon, or menace to society, please take a few minutes and learn the rules of the road. I'm sick of the us versus them debate. We all live here, we all share the roads, let's stop acting like three year olds fighting over a toy and treat each other with respect and show a bit of dignity.


  1. Thank you for writing this article. It is alarming how charged people are becoming toward those who choose a different form of transportation (e.g. cyclists vs. motorists, motorcycles vs. cars, cars vs. trucks, etc.).

    We're all human beings and should treat each other with decency and respect. I applaud your concern for the well-being of others and appreciate your willingness to share your emotion in the act of preserving someone's life.

  2. An excellent, and (unfortunately) much-needed post. Thanks for writing it, LK!
    - Erin


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