Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Little Perspective Please

I feel like I run into a lot of people that take a thumb tack and turn it into a mountain when it comes to problems. People should mention things that bother them or maybe get a little frustrated at the things that happen getting in the way of a positive end result, but I feel like the way things get blown out of proportion is simply ridiculous.

I think about people being told that they have cancer or that have a best friend get blown up in a war zone or taking too many drugs and ending up in rehab and suddenly a little inconvenience, a project behind schedule, and a person being rude during a presentation or having a birthday forgotten seems like background noise to me.

I get upset, probably a lot. I sound neurotic sometimes with the miniscule worries I allow to fill my head, running around trying to get things done, bringing myself to tears when I push the pain I feel too far, but I honestly wonder why I do it. Why does anyone do it? Instead of pushing forward, there are these mini-tantrums that take place when the complaints, the frustrations, and the sadness just pile up--we stop functioning. It's more about attention than perseverance and the degree to which that's counterproductive is immeasurable.

I think sometimes the idea that I "want" to be happy makes me forget that with how many things I do have that are positive in my life--I already am happy. I may want to achieve more or do better, but when it comes to the things that matter, I have the world. Hopefully I can remember that the next time I get frustrated.

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