Thursday, December 22, 2011

To take the opening line from a new holiday favorite:

Fuck you if you don't like Christmas.

I feel like the past couple of weeks around really hateful people has sent my holiday spirit to intensive care.

I find it really interesting that there's actually a fairly significant number of people who want to have their right to bitch about how much they hate this season, it's over commercialized, it doesn't mean any thing to anyone who supposedly celebrates it anymore, and everyone who likes Christmas is pretending and looking for brownie point, but they also want anyone who likes Christmas to shut the hell up, sit in the corner, and generally go away.

I have news for you, you can't have it both ways. If you get to bitch, I'm allowed to be merry and giving and attempt to sing carols, watching sappy movies, and whatever I decide to do. I'm not asking you to celebrate, trying to covert you, or even demanding a smile back, but what's so wrong in your life that you see a smiling person and you feel like saying, "I fucking hate Christmas, you're such a tool." I didn't insult you, hell at the time I was just wearing a black sweater and a green scarf. I was smiling--I didn't even say anything, why was your first assumption that I was "Christmas-y"?

I guess I don't mind the assumption, but the whole Grinch/Scrooge thing is way overplayed. How about you just ignore Christmas and the people that celebrate it instead of berating me with your negative, my life sucks, I hate Christmas attitude. I'd love to meet someone during the non-holiday season who exudes happiness and has a loving, giving outlook on life outside of Christmastime. Too much to ask, probably...people are too pissed off and disconnected in general.

(In case you haven't realized by now, this is a rant...)

On top of assholes just seeming to go out of their way to try to ruin my day (sometimes successful, most times not), I've had a lot to deal with this season that I really just want to ignore. The kinds of surprises you don't need, strange money that needs to be spent for emergencies when I'm barely on my feet. Friends who forget something important or say something cruel from their own stresses has also been more predominant than usual.

I have one anchor, my kids, and I'm trying to stay positive and excited, but I could honestly use one more week before Christmas without the million deadlines I feel like I have to meet. I just want  to sit with my family, sing a few carols, and snuggle with the children while we watch holiday movies. This season is so magic for them...a time when miracles and hope are possible, and the world has lost too much of its magic and hope. How do you keep that spirit alive in the land of cynics?

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