Thursday, December 29, 2011

Well, 2011, I can't say I'll be sorry to see you leave

I went to brunch with my grandma yesterday, I like what she said about this year:

"I'm going to be celebrating because the damn year's over!"

It's been a long, chaotic year, and even though I see struggles ahead, I'm thankful the struggles of 2011 are in the past. A lot of my life was up in the air during the past year, from not knowing what would happen after my VISTA year completed, through the divorce, and finding a job. This has been a year of faulty forms, repetitive nonsense, and clerical errors. I feel like this next year, at least, I know how to expect my life to travel forward.

2011 was a year of big bumps, big changes, and big events. I could really use a more mellow 2012. Hopefully that's not too much to ask!

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