Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If It Matters

I think everyone struggles with whether or not to spend time on things; whether they're for other people, a treat for the self, some down time, or even a goal that involves many people and factors, I think managing time is one of the harder things I deal with.

On one hand, I have the things that must get done. With kids and work, being a responsible adult means getting certain things done, but I have trouble discerning where that line is. At what point am I pushing myself too hard? At what point is it okay to do something for myself over folding a basket of laundry or worrying about sewing on a Girl Scout patch?

I'd like to say I live in an ideal little world where things fall into place and I have the time I need to get things done, but when I'm really pressed for time, I think that it's my friendships that really start faltering. For the sake of responsibility, I let important things and important people fall by the wayside.

On another side, when I'm upset with someone or don't want to deal with it, the relationships really suffer because I just let it go and don't deal with it because it takes too much time and energy.

So where do I find balance? Not sure, but I'm going to keep trying.

Hopefully the friends that really care and matter will understand.

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