Monday, June 11, 2012

Wish for Better

As I sit here unwrapping a strawberry Starburst, I'm worried. The events over the weekend have shifted my thoughts from my petty self doubt and financial considerations to realizing that things are much worse and are likely to get difficult in the coming weeks for friends and families that live near the canyon fires.

I don't intend to stop working on myself and improving the quality of life for myself and my kiddos, but I think I forget sometimes that even when things feel like they're falling apart, they can get much worse.

I have had a rocky ride the last couple years, but when I think about the tornado that hit Windsor, the hurricane that affected friends in LA, and these fires, my insecurities seem fairly ridiculous.

I have the most important things in the world, two beautiful children who love me, a place to live, a job to provide with, and a very large number of family and friends who are truly there if I am humble enough to ask.

I pray that family and friends still have homes after the fire runs its course. I know we're all watching and waiting while brave men and women come in to try to lessen the impact and protect the people who are being evacuated.

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