Friday, January 18, 2013

How I Feel About Getting Older

Born in TX 7:20 am January 18, 1985.

I'm 28 today. It's interesting though, two months ago, I kept stating that I was turning 29. In order to calculate my age, I have to look at the age of my daughter. Whatever age she is in January, I add 20, and that's how old I am turning.

When did that happen? When did it become so unimportant to notice the passage of time and aging?

When I was young...I can't say I was always extremely excited, but there was something novel about the next year, the next milestone, the next privilege. I suppose the same is true as to how I feel about my kids growing up. I notice it. I celebrate and mourn each growth, each moment lost to age while still being amazed and enthralled by it.

Time belongs to my children, and I believe it belonged to me when I was a child. It was so much more important then.

I used to think that I would feel old by now. Despite my jokes about aches and pains now and again--I am amazed by how young 28 really is. Even looking at my mom and my gram--I don't see old people. When I was a child, anyone over 20 was ancient. I was in a rush to grow up, but also much more critical of age.

I also thought I'd stop learning and growing by now. There's an assumption (up until the teenage years) that adults actually know what they're talking about in regard to life, the universe, and everything.

Unfortunately, there is no guide, no correct way to do everything, no goal at which you've attained perfection in adulthood. It's all more learning, more trial and error, and sometimes I'm able to notice how amazing it all is.

Happy Birthday, LK. 28 years young and looking forward to the next year. I still have a lifetime to learn, discover, and grow. Huzzah!

1 comment:

  1. Humm... I think it's true that children notice time in a DIFFERENT way than adults; but, adults certainly notice it enough to complain about never having enough of it. I'm glad you feel as though you have plenty of time to learn, discover, and grow. You do! Huzzah indeed!
    - Erin


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