Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sodapop & Sudafed

Good morning...well not really. I think somehow a brick was lodged in my sinuses last night as I slept. Even with the Neti pot, a nice hot shower, and some tea, there's barely been a dent made in the coarse pan along my nasal passages.

And so, I went and bought some decongestant. Honestly, it amazes me what a complicated process it is to receive one box of 48 tablets. Granted, I am aware that it can be used in the process of creating meth, but for the sick girl that just wants to buy it so that she can take two, the license exchange, time spent doing data entry, and filling out the paperwork is a little too much. I didn't complain to the pharmacist and I won't go to the government telling them the law is inconvenient, however, to the meth creators: you suck and caused me an extra 15 minutes of nasal aggravation this morning.

I did, however, make a mistake in the drink I chose to take the decongestant and other pills I take in the morning. Diet Coke with Lime is tasty, but the second the pills hit my empty stomach (mistake number 2), I regretted it. And so I will now try to eat some bread to soften my stomach, but I think today may be a little rough. I hope this cold doesn't last long...

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