Thursday, January 20, 2011

Transforming Good to Great

I allow myself to have a lot of not-so-good or mediocre days. I honestly think it's a factor of laziness and a lack of effort on my part. Granted, some circumstances and problems make it nearly impossible to have anything other than a bad day. Everyone has them, but I think if I really made an effort, I could make a lot of my days amazing by remembering some of the things that improve my life.

So again, I am going to make a list of things that relax and make me happy. I need to remind myself that the numbers in my bank account and events on my calendar don't determine everything about my life.

1. Reading a good book before bed
2. Enjoying a snack snuggled up on the couch watching a program or movie after the kids go to sleep
3. Wrestling/Being a horsey for Kev & Evie
4. Sneaking a square of dark chocolate while making dinner
5. Dancing to music or playing Just Dance/Just Dance 2
6. Playing Bejeweled
7. Playing a board game and talking with a friend over a warm drink
8. Laughing (either at something, someone, through a bad movie, or however I can...slap-happiness is acceptable)
9. Stretching for a few minutes when I wake up and before I go to sleep
10. Staring at a movie screen in the dark with a soda and bucket of popcorn (either theater or at home)
11. Writing an idea or poem on my napkin
12. Making a collage or buying supplies to do so (Seriously, I love buying tape...or receiving tape. Tape is awesome)
13. Talking to a family member on the phone (Usually my mom or gram)
14. Playing dress up
15. Coloring (I prefer colored pencils)
16. Baking (Dangerous though...have to not eat the creations)
17. Cooking a well-thought out family meal, laughing and eating together at the table
18. Snuggling with the kids, cats, or my fuzzy blanket
19. Getting hugs
20. Wiping down the kitchen after a meal (I hate dishes, but the feeling of soap and warm water when I wipe the table and counters feels really nice)
21. Singing (In the shower, sweeping, makes everything more amazing)
22. Looking at pictures of faraway places
23. Receiving an e-mail update from someone I haven't seen in awhile (or reading a friend's blog)
24. Telling someone what I really think about something without having to worry about having the "wrong" opinion
25. Sitting on a cushy couch in a nicely decorated room with a beverage
26. Enjoying a cold drink outside on a sunny day
27. Attempting to play racquetball, tennis, billiards, ping pong, volleyball or another "sport" that I love but lack any great talent in (and laughing at myself)
28. Paintball, dirt-biking, or really doing anything outdoors with my dad/brother
29. Shopping with my mom or gram (groceries, glancing in windows, walking around... just enjoy the time)
30. Looking at the artistic creations of children (I mean especially my own, but a child's art is so much more interesting than an adult's)
31. Enjoying a music scene
32. Writing in my journal
33. Walking around a park
34. Perusing in a museum
35. Visiting a campus and watching the people
36. Going somewhere I've heard of but never been before
37. Finding crazy deals with cards, coupons, sales, etc
38. Trying a new look (make up/hair/clothes)
39. Getting a compliment
40. Brushing/combing my hair while I listen to music
41. Looking up new songs/getting new songs online
42. Finding song lyrics for music I really like
43. Watching interviews and reading speeches of people I admire
44. Having a tea party with Evie (or adults, tea is awesome)
45. Going to the theater (meaning dinner theater, musicals, plays, I love them all)
46. Trying a new random LK recipe and find out it tastes really good
47. Being in a park with a playground, swings, and green space (possibilities are endless)
48. Getting beyond the idea of being cold/wet and going swimming, playing in the snow, tubing, snowboarding, boating, etc. (Remembering sunscreen also helps add to the enjoyment)
49. Making silly faces
50. Taking pictures

There are probably a ton more, but I will stop at 50 because this is a good reminder that if I really wanted to, I could make each and every day more positive and fun.

1 comment:

  1. I like baking as well, and have no one to give my creations to (most of my family is diabetic). Since that whole "don't waste food" thing has been pummeled into me over the past decade it's really difficult to just let it go.

    I recommend giving it to strangers.


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