Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apologies, Morbid Things are on my Mind

This morning on my drive to work after dropping off the two loves of my life at school and daycare, I was thinking about the importance of interactions ending positively. I mean, what if I had been in a crash and killed on my way to work this morning? As I was thinking about this, I ran through people in my head, deciding whether or not it would be a more positive goodbye or something more tragic.

(Obviously, it's never positive when someone you care about dies, but it's interesting to think about the very last affect you'd have on someone if they disappeared from the land of the living.)

When it comes to my kids, this morning, my daughter said she loved me, kissed me on the cheek, and waved to me smiling as I dropped her off. My son, walked me to his room, showed me a book, and gave me a big hug before I left. I hope that if anything ever happens to me, it would be after a sweet morning like that, and not one where there had been unrest and/or fighting.

Other family members might be a little harder. I had a good conversation with my mom yesterday, got to see my grandfather for his birthday, and hugged my brother after spending some time together last weekend, but I didn't get to hug/say goodbye to my dad. Granted, there hasn't been any fighting for awhile, so it would be one of the saddest moments of their lives if something were to happen to me, but at least we're close and love each other.

Most of my friends and I are on great terms, enjoying open conversation and crazy smiles. I feel a lot better about my social interactions and I feel like if something were to happen, people would be more likely to remember me as a nice girl they cared about than some girl that was around sometimes that they didn't really care about. I didn't feel that way even six months ago.

There are two or three people that I wish our last interactions had been better. Granted, you're not going to leave every situation and conversation on a good note, but considering that any conversation could be the last I have with someone, I would like to strive harder to end every encounter on good terms.

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