Sunday, February 13, 2011

Defining Men

Aside from the fact that I'm starting to believe that having a Y-Chromosome is a disorder, I decided to type in a few searches about what men are, a man is, and what a man can be. I have to say, with my recent experiences with the crazy, cruel, inappropriate, and downright rude, I'm fairly amused right now. 

Men are like...
This is a fun category, these are my favorites:

Men are like place-mats; They only show up when there's food on the table.
Men are like chocolate bars, sweet, smooth, and they usually head right for your hips.
Men are like used cars; both are easy-to-get, cheap, and unreliable.
Men are like commercials; you can't believe a word they say.
Another interesting thing I came across was a list of traits a "real" or worthy man would have.

The list includes:

A man can make decisions and understands and respects the power of choice.
A man puts his principles first, never his relationships. "A man who claims his #1 commitment in life is his relationship partner (or his family) is either too dishonest or too weak to be trusted. His loyalties are misplaced. A man who values individuals above his own integrity is a wretch, not a free thinker...Whenever the man sacrifices his integrity, he loses his freedom… and himself as well. He becomes an object of pity."
A man knows what failure is and is willing to make mistakes to learn.
A man is confident, isn't afraid to love and express it, and allows his sexual energy to "explode through his heart, not just his genitals".
A man faces his fears and understands them.
A man honors the masculinity of other men. "A man can handle being knocked down many times. For every physical setback he experiences, he enjoys a spiritual advancement, and that is enough for him".
A man accepts responsibility for his relationships, he chooses his friends, lovers, and associates and never blames others for his relationship problems, holds himself accountable for the relationships that belong or do not belong in his life, and "teaches others how to treat him by the relationships he’s willing to allow into his life. A man refuses to fill his life with negative or destructive relationships; he knows that’s a form of self-abuse".
Lastly, a man can die well, because a "real" man lives well.

I do know men like this, who follow principle, pick their relationships carefully, and devote their lives to principles, never faltering and who strive to live well. One of these men is my father. I wish there were more men with conviction and drive and reliability my own age. Sometimes I think that responsibility is a thing for older generations. I want the boys to wake up, buck up, and learn from their fathers.

Good quotes I came across:

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -MLK, Jr.

A man is what he thinks about all day long. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. The statement that principles should come before relationships, in particular, has made me think.
    I suppose I would agree that a relationship is not worth while if it violates one's principles.

    - Erin


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