Thursday, February 24, 2011


I honestly find it amazing how quickly rumors spread among supposed friends of an individual. Although it's happened to me a few times, I'm more concerned about a friend of mine. Recently, she went out with some friends to a concert in Denver. She didn't know that many people, but she talked to a few friends of friends, had a good time, and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

However, about a week later, people were acting strange around her. After a few days, realizing that it might just be her imagination, she asked one of her closest friends what was up. As it turns out, someone had told someone who told someone that she'd met up with a guy from the concert the next night and she'd gotten a venereal disease. (I'm trying to be vague here...I don't really want to comment on the person, but moreso the situation.)

How is it that a person can go out among friends and instead of being initially asked if something is true, it has to be spread around before the person even finds out what was said?

There's something wrong with that situation. I told her she needed to find more respectful friends. It's mind-blowing that rumors can affect a person's life after high school. Why is it that some people don't grow up? And what the hell is the motivation for saying something so awful about someone?


  1. I have a new theory on this subject. There doesn't seem to be an age limit on people and loving to gossip. There is a difference between viciousness and concern. From my life experience (yep, I get to say that now:), most of the people I know that continue to talk behind other people's backs don't have a religious base in their lives. I'm not on a soap box or trying to create a religious debate,but the true Christians I know don't do what you are describing. If there is concern, they will flat out approach the person in question and ask what they can do to help or support that person. These are the types of people I choose to surround myself with on a regular basis. You have seen us cut up and have a great time at all outrageous levels so you know I am not trying to be "pious". You are on the right track about finding more respectful friends.

  2. People Never grow up. I use to do home care for 80 AND 90 year olds that would gossip when their friends came over about who ever wasn't there. tragic!! Personally I am upfront and honest so If I hear something like that I usually go straight to the person and if its about me I go to the person I heard said it and get things straight but it has to be serious because stuff doesn't bother me because I don't care what people think.


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