Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Good Advice and Notable Observations

I cannot take credit for the following list, but I've compiled it from lists that I really liked (with a few alterations to spelling word choice, and grammar). I added a few things, but I enjoy having lists like these when I'm having a day where I take myself too seriously or forget that I should be taken seriously.
  1. Never stop thinking. This is important. If someone ever says to you ‘You need to stop thinking so much,’ call them ignorant in your head and keep thinking deeper. It is this mentality that breeds stupidity and sheeple. Your mind is the most important tool you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy. Question everything.
  2. Never compromise your standards for anyone, do it for you.
  3. Stare into space blankly and don’t mentally punish yourself for doing it, even if it is for that split second. If you have a problem with staring blankly, think of it as daydreaming.
  4. Promptness shows respect.
  5. You can’t avoid offending people from time to time. When you don’t mean it, apologize. When you do mean it, accept the consequences. 
  6. The first person to use the expression “Get a life!” in any dispute is the loser.  
  7. The medium is not the message. Those who issue blanket condemnations of any form of communication—be it TV, tabloids, text messages or blogs—simply aren’t paying attention.
  8. Root Beer sucks after having spicy food.
  9. You'll never make new friends staring at a computer or television screen.
  10. Everything is going to be just fine. If you worry about acne, you’re going to get a fucking pimple.
  11. Don’t be afraid to talk about anything. You shouldn’t be afraid of reality.
  12. Be there when people need you, because in order to have friends you must first be one.
  13. Everyone is a hypocrite.
  14. Empathy is the greatest virtue. From it, all virtues flow. Without it, all virtues are an act.
  15. The Golden Rule is the greatest moral truth. If you don’t believe in it, at least try to fake it. 
  16. You are all original. Every life experience is case sensitive and unique. Every time you wake up or go to the bathroom or quote someone else, you are becoming more you than anyone has ever been.
  17. Don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, and so are everybody else’s.
  18. Do pointless things. Don’t actively restrain or hide yourself from the redundant.
  19. Stop rushing. Shut up and embrace the sound of silence.
  20. Religion shouldn’t be taught, it should be found. No one should tell you what to believe except you.
  21. Don’t be restrained by one religion. People change every moment of everyday. Minds grow and evolve. Religion has no law so feel free to mix and match. Make your own.
  22. Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
  23. Going to the bathroom is not a right nor a privilege. It’s an act of nature.
  24. Talking to yourself is healthy. Is there anyone that you have more in common with?
  25. It’s not “political correctness” that dictates that we try not to insult others’ beliefs and identities. It’s common decency.
  26. There is no such thing as time. The sun never sets or rises. Days and years don’t exist. There is only your life. Earlier today you were born and death is predicted later in the evening.
  27. We will always be in a transitional phase. Look outside and know that everything will be replaced at some point. This existence is temporary.
  28. Its not half empty or half full. Its half a glass.
  29. Give all forms of creativity a chance, each artist brings something new to the table. With an open eye and mind, you never know what the heart may find.
  30. Every now and then take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. Renew its existence.
  31. Be happy, but don’t force it.
  32. It’s never a shame when you admit you don’t know something, and often a shame when you assume that you do.
  33. You will always succeed in trying.
  34. Have dreams and goals. If you don't have places you'd like to go, you'll never go anywhere.
  35. We are all crazy. Every person you read about in the history books had some kind of ‘disorder’, they just knew how to use it.
  36. Don’t waste your breath proclaiming what’s really important to you. How you spend your time says it all.
  37. We are all about as similar as we are different.
  38. Ideas are just as valuable as people. Why do you think we keep making people?
  39. If you’re in a conversation and you’re not asking questions, then it’s not a conversation, it’s a monologue.
  40. Numbers don’t have to go in order.
  41. Enjoy your body, and use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
    think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own. Dance even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
  42. Words will always be just words. Love is just another four letter word, only the feeling is real.
  43. Ask a child for advice. They may not know much, but they know what is important. 
  44. Prove you’re alive. Do anything from dancing in the supermarket to screaming ‘Fuck’ during a moment of silence. Remind the world you are still here. 
  45. You can tell more about a person by what he says about others, than by what others say about him.
  46. Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the
    ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.
  47. You can be anything you want to be by making conscious choices each step of the way.
  48. Whatever your passion, pursue it as though your days were numbered. Because they are.
  49. Readers love lists. You got to the bottom of this one, didn’t you?
  50. Don’t take anything, even this, too seriously.

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