Friday, March 30, 2012


I've been feeling uncharacteristically tense lately...not sleeping well, not eating well, but not feeling terrible so I can't blame allergies, and I've been taking care of things, so generally, I shouldn't feel stressed.

I've even been productive. I've been able to complete work tasks easily, plan out my finances, get organized for weekend activities, sort my purse, getting rid of trash and unnecessary items--I should be jolly/bouncing off the walls.

Maybe it's a change in the weather?

I feel like this happens to me at least for a couple of days each season. I know that exercise might help me to be less restless so I think I'm going to have to kick it into gear before I become irritable.

I seriously wish that there was a way to add just a little more time to the day so that every afternoon I could go for a swim without having to worry about childcare. I feel like a lot of exercise programs really are designed for stay at home mothers or two parent families because childcare is generally only available during normal work hours (when a single mom like me is at work...). I really liked when I belonged to 24 hour fitness because of the TKE and Zumba classes, i really need to make myself start doing something at home so I can start feeling better.

I think beginning again is the hardest part because it's when the energy level is the lowest. I need to push myself. Ready...set....hopefully Go.

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