Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 10: Someone I need to let go, or wish I didn’t know

I have trouble with the "wish I didn't know" part so I'm going to stick with someone I need to let go. My dreams keep bringing dead friends and family to life. When I wake up and I know they're gone, the pain just festers and poisons my days. I wish that my subconscious would let them go so that things would be easier. I don't process death well and it's kind of taken center stage in life this year. The hardest have been the young people that seem to die without reason--I don't think I can stomach more "accidents" and unfortunate circumstances. I'd rather get to focus purely on weddings or babies or friends happy in relationships and conquering the world. I do have friends making significant strides in life, it's just I wish there were more positive things than negative. Negative has definitely been playing to win and those events and the people that ended up in them are those I need to let go of. It's not that I didn't love them and am not sad, it's just I'm still living and I need to keep my positive outlook in check.

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