Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Failing Upward

Friends that I graduated around the same time as seem to be finally making leaps and bounds in their careers and personal lives. I feel like the number people looking for jobs is decreasing and the personal growth and success among many of my peers is sometimes astonishing.

I don't know if I'm noticing success more because I'm feeling more settled or if there has really been so many hard times for people that it was hard to see the good things that were happening. 

I'm not saying that there are not those who struggle, we all struggle sometimes, but I see goals and dreams finally coming to fruition and I'm finding a lot to be proud and happy about. If a year ago you had asked me where I thought I would be right now, I wouldn't have been sure. 

Like others, I'm seeing a plan for my future, and I'm watching some of my friends make lists and arrangements so that they can make dreams come true. Congrats to anyone making positive life changes. And to anyone who thinks this is a cheesy, stupid post and life sucks...you should figure out what you want and then start thinking about how to get there. 

It's ridiculous, it's cheesy, and everyone knows it--you can't start to go anywhere in life if you procrastinate and don't make a plan. The perfect life isn't going to fall into your lap--the challenge and the accomplishment is in getting there!

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