Monday, May 14, 2012

Why Video Games Are Better than Boyfriends

I've been excited about Diablo III's release for the past ten years. I cannot stay excited about any relationship past a few months, so as I was contemplating whether or not I was going to purchase the game, I started laughing about how fulfilling playing the game night be in comparison to some of my recent attempts at dating. 

Dating: Schedules and risk of broken plans whilst I try to look nice and make a good impression.
Gaming: Always waiting on my computer with no expectations of me.

Dating: Have to make small talk about 'real' life, sharing the stresses of work, school, kids, and whatever.
Gaming: Can either talk or not talk to other people and take out my stress on imaginary enemies.

Dating: Try to doll myself up by trying on outfits, different hairstyles, and make up.
Gaming: Three clicks on the avatar and I look amazing.

Dating: Other people bring drama into life and I have to work through it, even if it has nothing to do with me.
Gaming: People I don't know create drama and I turn the computer off. 

Dating: Dealing with exes and having a sympathetic ear.
Gaming:  Delivering punishment to enemies and being freaking awesome.

Dating: Another schedule to fit into mine.
Gaming: Fits into my schedule whenever I want it to. 

This list could probably go on and on and on :P

Please note: this is not to be taken seriously. If you do not understand sarcasm, you may want to reconsider reading my blogs...

1 comment:

  1. HaHa! Love it!
    In college, I shared with some friends the results of a psychological test, mentioned in my text book, which found that women cope better than men without romantic relationships, because women compensate with close friendships. To this, my friend Kathy replied, "Yes, but men compensate with video games." :)
    Perhaps women compensate with video games, too. And, perhaps that's better for them than dating. ;)
    - Erin


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