Thursday, November 11, 2010

Listing Off My Mind

I thought maybe if I wrote these down, I could possibly chance decent rest as I think I am falling ill to some of my son's ailments. On the upside, two major things, getting the car back and having him seem to turn the corner on feeling better, have happened and for that I'm  grateful.

Now I have to consider the things weighing on my mind.

Around the house I wish to:
-Finish, Sort, Fold and/or Hang up all of the Laundry
-Oil the bookcase and glue on the tiny mirrors
-Clean out and organize the kids closet and move media shelves into the front room
-Set up Evie's twin bed
-Collage the mirrors for my room with the butterfly stamps
-Hang up decor that I have
-Decorate my home for the holidays
-Deep Clean the kitchen floor
-Borrow Gram's shampooer for the carpets
-Get all of the DVDs back in their cases that are going to be staying here
-Touch up paint
-Get my bathroom entirely and functionally organized
-Get my closet entirely and functionally organized, getting rid of clothes that do not compliment me or my style

Outside I wish to:
-Reorganize the outside closet for games
-Clean out the garage and move the holiday decoration boxes out there

For the kids:
-Organize and figure out what art supplies I have, make the art cabinet in the garage useful
-Get everything sorted for Christmas so that it's all easily done when the time comes
-Find ways for my daughter to practice the school items she's working on with my crazy schedule

For work:
-Find more webinar trainings surrounding social networking
-Go after the information I need to complete the blogs through the end of the month
-Order more books from the library so that I have more information on volunteer issues for nonprofits

-Be more consistent in my exercise
-Find a way to flush and replace the brake fluid, transmission fluid, and get the oil changed in the car
-Make sure to donate any junk (or sell on craigslist)
-Make sure to write a bit every day
-Keep my health up
-Prepare more meals ahead of time
-Get to the grocery store (need to organize coupons first)

Anyway, hopefully since I've written them down, they won't weigh on my mind as much. (It was my mom's suggestion and honestly, anything I can try to unravel my stress is helpful).

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