Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear Inadvertently Sadistic Web Developer

I know that when you sit down at the computer, you're trying to make the interface simple and easy to use for the computer illiterate, allowing a newbie to create a site without having to worry too much.

I do not appreciate this method.

I do not like that the interface will not allow me to edit the html so that my content matches the computer screens of my users. The fact that I have to create a table and shrink it to the smallest possible size a user would have in order to prevent their having to scroll is ridiculous.

I hate that I cannot change the title for the home page. I do not want the tab to read "Home" when I go to the site. I want to change it. Do you give me access to the code to change it dear interface developer? No.

I spend hours attempting to use your "simple" interface to make a site that does not look like it was created by a first grader. Maybe some people are happy with that, but I am not. I want to look professional, but your tools only anger, frustrate, and make me wish that I was building the whole thing from scratch.

(Trust me, if there wasn't a contract, I would.)

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