Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life is good.

No drama so far this week, things are running smoothly.

I am driving a minivan and it's smooth and fun and I love it a lot more than I ever thought I would. Cliche mama here I come!

My son's breathing treatments are going easier. Less screaming, more medicine staying in the mask, and he still hates it, but I know he doesn't hate me because he always needs a mama cuddle afterward.

Karaoke is happening twice for me this week.

 I have two Christmas parties, some gaming, and an awesome girls night out also scheduled this week.

My house is pretty clean, including the counters and the laundry.

I learned a lot of super valuable things in a staff training and I feel like my job is going to start being more productive, moving toward the awesome category.

I listened to many of my favorite Christmas songs on my drive...if only I could make a Christmas CD. I think it would be fun!

A coworker made veggie soup and pumpkin pie and brought it in for lunch today--score! I'm definitely saving my teriyaki noodles in a box for tomorrow.

My mom is making cookies today with my godmother and imagining the tastiness makes me smile.

I have so many fun projects--I don't feel bored at all. A great feeling, and if it does snow's beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas!

(The only thing that would make this day better is shopping, but I can hold off on that forever because I made a fun little notebook where I cut out things that I would love to own but don't need--I can look at my little collages anytime I want!)

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! It's been a hard road but looks like life could be greener on the other side. I love reading about the wonder and happiness you find in life!


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