Thursday, December 2, 2010

What is an accomplishment?

So, obviously it's hard to get recognized. Work, friends, and family all have their own priorities, worries, thoughts, projects, and hectic schedules. Even if something is appreciated, I don't think gratitude and recognition is a very high ranking value in today's buzzing race. I think it's hard to remember and enjoy the little things, so here is a list of things I feel accomplished about today:

-I found suspenders for my son at JAX. (Take that children's specialty retail stores--none of you had them.)

-I completed a trio of butterfly stamp decoupage mirrors and a bookshelf, projects I had been dragging my feet on for months.

-I got my paperwork turned in early.

-Both of my kids were smiling when I dropped them off today (with a little help from the cinnamon rolls I baked).

-I have been making a lot of progress on the website for work.

-My pants look great, especially from behind--Just Dance 2 is paying off!

-I found some of the most awesome gifts ever for some of the people I really care about.

And here are some of the things I appreciate (only initials are given to protect the guilty):

-CF, my conversations with you brighten my day even when we have nothing to talk about. Your insight, sarcastic comments, and general catching up and relaying of activities helps a lot more than you could ever know.

-SG, I am so stoked to get in free next Tuesday, it made my week even though it's only $3.

-IH, with how hectic things have been lately, I don't think I'd be doing as well as I am right now without your support. Thanks for being there when things were rough--we both had a lot to deal with and I'm glad neither of us had to be alone in that.

-VISTAs, thanks for getting me out to breakfast today--it was awesome getting to talk and eat in a more relaxed environment and I'm totally excited for later this month.

-Everyone who made me laugh and smile today--it used to be more difficult, thanks for loosening my gears a bit--sometimes I take life way too seriously.

-Everyone who is coming Saturday to the Annual Holiday Party, I am way more than excited and can't wait to see you! I've been planning and  having a great time preparing things.

1 comment:

  1. If you're in the business of building bookshelves, I could use one. :)

    Glad you got so much accomplished! Go you!

    - Erin


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