Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 24: A playlist to my mommy and why I chose all the songs.

(I've linked youtube videos for each of the songs, so if you haven't heard one, go for it by clicking on the song artist - title)

Regina Spektor - The Call

For me, this song is about the hope that bloomed into my adoption, and calling is how we keep in touch and are always there for each other. There are no real "goodbyes" in family, just degrees of physical separation. I also feel that there's a cyclical representation in the song about how life resonates. My mom doesn't have me as her baby girl but she's there now for my baby girl. I guess the feeling of the song is so loving and resonant with our close family values that I just always think about her when I hear it.

N Sync - Bye Bye Bye

When I was in high school and we went to church camp, my mom and a few other moms dressed up like N Sync members and danced while lip synching this song. I have never laughed harder in my life. It's just one of many times my mom proved how incredibly awesome she is.

Silence - Delerium feat Sarah Machlachlan

This song has been very powerful for me. I first heard it when I watched the movie Brokedown Palace and I sang it constantly. I feel like this is one of the songs I sang and I could always tell how beautiful my mom thought my voice was and how proud she was of me. It's also such a lyrically beautiful song that puts me at peace. I feel like in a way it still represents me, a conflict between emotional struggle and hope.

Eminem - Lose Yourself

I remember when my mom bought the first Eminem CD. We listened to it in the car. It's the first time I really listened to rap or hip hop of any kid (save the Beastie Boys). This is the song that peaked our interest on the radio and it's another one that I just think about her while I "lose myself in the music".

Matt Morrison feat Gwyneth Paltrow - Somewhere Over the Rainbow

If it's related to the Wizard of Oz, it makes me think of my mom. This particular version I came across and it just makes me think of watching the Wizard of Oz eating popcorn. My mom always smiles when she watches that movie--it's her very favorite. "The dreams that you dare to dream really do come true."

AC/DC - For Those About to Rock

I didn't really listen to AC/DC until my mom and I were looking at her records. I knew one song belonged in the list. This is probably my favorite along with Highway to Hell.

Carole King - Tapestry

I'd pretty much add anything off the album "Tapestry" for this playlist. The lyrics of this particular song are so rich and paint a picture as a tapestry is woven--I think it's poetic qualities really speak to as why it was the title track for the album. If you don't know a lot of Carole King, she's worth listening to. My mom's love of her made her one of my favorites for singing songs for karaoke. "Smackwater Jack" is the funniest, "I Feel the Earth Move" is the best to dance to, "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" is a great duet, and "It's too Late" is the song I love and sing too little.

Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

Fleetwood Mac is another band that pretty much anything would work for this playlist. Dreams is a great song because "thunder only happens when it's raining". We listened and sang along all of the time. It was a good time.

1 comment:

  1. My mom's response (and more proof of how awesome she is):

    Wow! I feel honored that you would pick a playlist for me! You HAVE to know this would bring tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart. The memories today are as vivid as if they happened yesterday. I hadn't connected how much of our time together involved music but your are so right!

    I hadn't heard "The Call" before today. The first part of the song is such a beautiful build-up to that moment when you know there isn't another person in the world that you want to wake up beside in the morning and share all of life's wonders, sorrows and joys with. A natural progression to family. As you know, family arrives in many ways. I am thankful everyday that you are MY daughter. And I NEVER cared how it came about. You have been a gift to me.

    And, what can I say about camp? Geez...we couldn't even embarrass our kids with our middle aged performance! I think we surprised everyone with that skit.

    "Silence" You owned that song! You have to know how much I loved hearing you sing but not just this song. I loved every song you sang. Every time you sang, I felt like I was receiving a gift!

    Eminem, in my opinion, is a genius. I am sure if most parents knew I bought that CD and let my kids listen to it would think I was the worst parent ever. Who cares? When he raps he creates a window into his soul. He depicts a lifestyle that I do not know or understand and brings the listener into his world. How many artists can do that? BTW, your soul was also visible when you sang "Silence".

    AC/DC, Carole King, Fleetwood Mac...guilty of introducing them to you. However, don't forget the awesome Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, CCR, Santana, and the Motown artists!

    Karaoke into the wee hours; music in the car on the way to school each morning; youth choir at Church (Silent Night, in German:); Beach Boys, Chicago and Moody Blues on road trips. Lots of memories and more memories to come with the addition of a new generation.

    Thank you for the playlist. You made my day with a walk down memory lane and honoring our relationship that, quite frankly, I couldn't live without(K).


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